Who we are
The Humanitarian Development Program (HDP) is a nonprofit and independent NGO in Yemen. It focuses on improving the quality of Yemeni people’s life through well-planned and comprehensive projects in water, education, livelihood and health interventions and related activities that strengthen underserved communities in all parts of Yemen with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergencies.
HDP uniquely believes in the power of community, and the strength of partners and donors to make a positive impact in the lives of Yemeni people

- Our Vision
- Our Mission
- Our Values

الشريك الأول لصناعة حياة كريمة للإنسان.

برنامج التنمية الإنسانية (HDP) هو منظمة غير حكومية مستقلة وغير ربحية في اليمن مكرسة لتقديم المساعدة الإنسانية والدعم التنموي في مجالات الصحة والتغذية والمياه والصرف الصحي البيئي والأمن الغذائي وسبل العيش والتعليم والاستجابة لحالات الطوارئ بما يتماشى مع المبادئ الإنسانية. (الإنسانية – عدم التحيز – الاستقلال – الحياد) وأهداف التنمية المستدامة.

نساهم في تخفيف المعاناة الإنسانية أينما وجدت. ونؤمن ان الغرض من العمل الإنساني هو حماية الحياة والصحة وضمان احترام الإنسان.
عدم التحيز
ننفذ العمل الإنساني على أساس الحاجة فقط، وإعطاء الأولوية لحالات الأشد إلحاحاً وعدم التمييز بشكل سلبي على أساس الجنسية أو العرق أو الجنس أو المعتقد الديني أو الطبقة الاجتماعية أو الرأي السياسي.
نؤمن أن العمل الإنساني مستقلًا عن الأهداف السياسية والاقتصادية والعسكرية أو أي أهداف أخرى فيما يتعلق بالمناطق التي يجري فيها تنفيذ العمل الإنساني.
نمتنع عن الانحياز إلى أي طرف أثناء النزاع، أو المشاركة في خلافات ذات طابع سياسي أو عرقي أو ديني أو أيديولوجي.
Our Goals

Contributing to achieving the sustainable development goals.

Contributing to supporting the economic recovery to lead to more capable and more resilient societies.

Contributing to the delivery of humanitarian relief, alleviation of suffering, and reduction of the risks of disasters and crises.
Our Sections
Water and environmental sanitation (Wash)
HDP works through its projects in the Wash sector to provide water and sanitation for people and make it available to them in a safe and easy manner and at a lower cost. HDP also engages women and men in managing water resources, sanitation and safe hygiene practices to achieve maximum benefits for their communities.
Emergency intervention projects in the health sector, as well as development projects with valuable interventions in supporting the health sector in the most affected areas.
Interventions to support teaching and learning and reduce educational dropout among children, with a focus on gender in providing an opportunity to obtain education, such as cash-for-education interventions, or school rehabilitation, and others.
Provision of Child protection direct assistants and critical services to IDPs, conflict affected and host community children.
Food security and livelihood
Food basket distribution projects, comprehensive interventions that support economic recovery in the targeted areas, support the protection of productive assets, contribute to reducing unemployment in the targeted communities, gender support in the economic contribution to the affected communities, and other activities of value from that cash for work.
Intervention bundling (multiple interventions)
A set of interventions that can be applied to manage a specific case. The best practices for the target communities are identified in several sectors that are linked to a mechanism that achieves integration and inclusion in the intervention.
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Our Partners